Why is Your Eye Twitching? Causes, Symptoms & Treatments (2024)

Have you ever wondered, “Why is my eye twitching?” If you’ve ever had an uncontrolled eye twitch or eye spasm in your eyelid muscles, you’re not alone. This common condition is known as eye twitching or myokymia and can be quite bothersome. While typically not a cause for concern, eye twitching might signal an underlying medical issue. Learning more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of a twitching eye can help you manage this condition effectively.

Understanding Eye Twitching

Eye twitching, also called eyelid twitching or blepharospasm, refers to the involuntary muscle spasms around the eyelids. These spasms can vary in intensity and affect one or both eyes. In most cases, eye twitching resolves on its own without any treatment and isn’t considered a severe medical problem.

Types of Eye Twitches

  1. Minor Eye Twitch: This is the most common form of eye twitching and often resolves without intervention. Stress, lack of sleep, alcohol consumption, and eye strain can trigger this type of twitch.
  2. Benign Essential Blepharospasm: A more severe type of eye twitching that can result from conditions like dry eyes, Tourette’s syndrome, or other medical issues.
  3. Hemifacial Spasm: This rare eye twitching type affects one side of the face, potentially impacting activities like talking and eating. It is usually caused by inflamed facial nerves and may require medical treatment.

Common Causes of Eye Twitching

Several factors can lead to eye twitching:

  • Allergies: Hay fever or dust allergies can occasionally cause eye twitching.
  • Fatigue: Lack of sleep and tiredness can trigger eye twitching.
  • Digital Eye Strain: Extended screen time can strain the eyes. Take frequent breaks to relax your eyes if you’re using a computer or smartphone.
  • Dry Eyes: Insufficient lubrication on the eye’s surface can irritate the nerves, causing twitching.
  • Caffeine: Excessive caffeine consumption can overstimulate the nervous system, exacerbating twitching.
  • Nutritional Deficiency: Some studies suggest that a lack of nutrients, like magnesium, may lead to eyelid spasms.
  • Dehydration: Dehydration can disrupt electrolyte balance, potentially triggering eye spasms.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake can cause eye twitching and worsen dry eye symptoms.

Symptoms of Eye Twitching

The primary symptom of eye twitching is the involuntary twitching of the eyelid, which can vary in severity. Other possible symptoms include sensitivity to light, dry or irritated eyes, and a feeling of fullness in the eyelid.

Diagnosing Eye Twitching

Diagnosing eye twitching involves a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors. In certain cases, further assessments like blood tests or electromyography (EMG), which measures the electrical activity of the eye muscles, may be recommended.

While it’s essential to note that eye spasms are rarely indicative of a severe issue, they are not entirely impossible. In very rare instances, eyelid spasms may result from more significant brain or nerve disorders.

For individuals experiencing chronic muscle spasms or frequent eye twitching, it may be advisable to explore potential treatment options. If you have concerns about eye twitching or your overall eye health, don’t hesitate to discuss them your eye doctor.

Preventing and Managing Eye Twitching

To prevent or alleviate eye twitching, consider these tips:

  • Get sufficient restful sleep.
  • Reduce caffeine intake.
  • Manage stress levels.
  • Take breaks from screens to rest your eyes.
  • Adjust screen brightness and contrast.
  • Stay hydrated to avoid dehydration-related twitching.
  • Maintain clean and moist contact lenses.
  • Include magnesium-rich foods in your diet, such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Can LASIK Manage Eye Twitching?

Yes, contacts and glasses can cause dry eyes and eye fatigue which can lead to persistent eye twitching. If you find that your eye twitching continues, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our experienced LASIK team at The LASIK Vision Institute. During your visit, our skilled eye care team will inquire about the onset and frequency of your symptoms. Additionally, a thorough comprehensive eye examination, will be conducted to identify any potential underlying conditions contributing to the twitching.

In conclusion while eye twitching can be bothersome, it’s typically not a serious condition. However, persistent or chronic twitching should be evaluated by an eye doctor to rule out any underlying medical issues. Understanding the causes and symptoms of eye twitching can help you effectively manage the condition. Follow the provided tips to prevent or alleviate eye twitching and promote overall eye health.

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Cataract surgery is a common procedure that restores vision by removing the clouded natural lens of the eye and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). However, some patients who have undergone cataract surgery may still experience vision issues that LASIK could potentially correct.

The question arises: Can you have LASIK after cataract surgery? The answer is yes, but there are several factors to consider.

Understanding LASIK and Cataract Surgery

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a laser vision correction procedure that reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. LASIK boasts a quick recovery time and a 92% success rate.

How Do I Choose a LASIK Surgeon

Cataract Surgery, on the other hand, involves removing the eye’s natural lens that has become clouded due to cataracts and replacing it with an artificial lens. This surgery is highly effective in restoring clear vision, but it does not address other refractive errors that the patient might have had before the cataract developed.

When LASIK May Be Needed After Cataract Surgery

After cataract surgery, some patients might still experience refractive errors. These could include:

  • Residual Nearsightedness or Farsightedness: Despite the new IOL, some patients may still need glasses or contact lenses to see clearly at certain distances.
  • Astigmatism: This condition might not be fully corrected by cataract surgery alone, especially if a toric IOL (designed to correct astigmatism) was not used.

Candidacy for LASIK After Cataract Surgery

To determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK after cataract surgery, an ophthalmologist will consider several factors:

  • Stable Vision: Your vision must be stable for at least six months after cataract surgery. This stability ensures that any residual refractive error is not due to ongoing changes in your eye.
  • Healthy Cornea: The cornea must be healthy and have adequate thickness. LASIK involves reshaping the cornea, so a thin or unhealthy cornea might not withstand the procedure.
  • Overall Eye Health: It’s crucial to evaluate conditions like dry eye, glaucoma, or retinal problems, as they can impact the safety and effectiveness of LASIK.
  • Patient Expectations: It’s important to have realistic expectations. LASIK can reduce dependence on glasses or contact lenses, but it may not eliminate the need for them.

Alternatives to LASIK

For some patients, LASIK might not be the best option after cataract surgery. Alternatives include:

  • PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy): This is another type of laser vision correction that can be an option if the cornea is too thin for LASIK.
  • Lens Exchange: In most cases, the IOL implanted during cataract surgery can be exchanged for a different lens that better corrects refractive errors.

Final Word

Yes, you can have LASIK after cataract surgery, but it requires a thorough evaluation by an experienced LASIK specialist to ensure it is the right choice for you. Your eye health, the stability of your vision, and your specific refractive needs will all play a role in determining the best approach to achieving the clearest vision possible.

If you are considering LASIK after cataract surgery, schedule a free consultation at The LASIK Vision Institute to discuss your options and undergo a comprehensive eye examination. With the right care and treatment, you can achieve improved vision and a better quality of life.

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Optimal Age for LASIK Surgery

In order to be eligible for LASIK eye surgery you must reach the age requirement of 18 years old. However, the minimum age threshold is merely a baseline. Individuals in their twenties are often considered prime candidates for LASIK eye surgery, particularly those aged 24 and above.

Why Your 20’s Are Ideal 

By this age, the eyes have typically stabilized, meaning that prescriptions are less likely to change. This stability is crucial for achieving long-lasting results from LASIK. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, waiting until this age range ensures that the eyes have ceased significant developmental changes, which usually occur during the early twenties. 

Benefits of LASIK Surgery In Your 20’s 

Opting for LASIK surgery in your twenties provides several benefits: 

  • Extended Period of Clear Vision: Undergoing LASIK early offers a prolonged period of clear vision before age-related vision changes, such as presbyopia, which can develop with age. 
  • Higher Adaptability and Faster Healing: Younger patients generally experience faster recovery times and fewer complications, thanks to their overall better health and higher cellular regeneration rates. 
  • Financial and Lifestyle Advantages: Early intervention can save money in the long run by reducing the need for corrective lenses and associated expenses. Additionally, it enhances quality of life, facilitating activities such as sports, driving, and travel without the hindrance of glasses or contact lenses. 
friends with Lasik smiling outside

Assessing Candidacy: The LASIK Consultation 

Through comprehensive tests and evaluations, a LASIK specialist will determine your eye health, vision stability, and suitability for the procedure. Curious if LASIK is right for you? Start with a personalized consultation with our LASIK specialists.

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Personalized Treatment Plans 

Based on the evaluation, the LASIK surgeon will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s specific vision correction needs. This plan ensures that the surgery addresses the unique characteristics of the patient’s eyes, maximizing the chances of a successful outcome. 

After LASIK Surgery: What to Expect and How to Take Care

One of the best things about LASIK? You bounce back pretty quickly! Most folks notice a big improvement in their vision within just 1 to 2 days after the procedure. It usually takes a few weeks to fully stabilize, though, so it’s important to stick to your surgeon’s aftercare tips for the best results.

Looking Ahead: Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

LASIK gives you great vision for the long haul, but it’s smart to stay on top of your eye health with regular check-ups. Seeing an eye doctor now and then helps catch any changes early and keeps your eyes in tip-top shape!

LASIK in Your 20’s – A Strategic Decision for Lifelong Vision 

Opting for LASIK surgery in your twenties is a strategic decision that offers many long-term benefits. The combination of stabilized vision, prime health conditions, and the potential for a prolonged period of clear vision, make individuals in their 20’s well-positioned to enjoy the advantages of LASIK. A comprehensive consultation with a LASIK specialist will provide the necessary insights to determine candidacy and develop a tailored treatment plan, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Get started and schedule your free consultation today!

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If you’ve been squinting at the computer screen or fumbling for your glasses first thing in the morning, you’ve probably thought about LASIK at least once. LASIK surgery has become a popular choice for vision correction, offering individuals a chance to achieve clear eyesight without the need for glasses or contacts. As you move through your 30’s, your lifestyle and career demands may make LASIK an appealing option.

Why Consider LASIK in Your 30’s?

This can be an ideal time for LASIK. Why? Here are a few reasons:

family smiling and enjoying the beach after lasik
  • Stable Vision: By your 30’s, your prescription has likely stabilized, making you a prime candidate for LASIK.
  • Busy Lifestyle: Juggling career, family, and social life? LASIK can simplify your daily routine by eliminating the need for glasses or contacts.
  • Financial Stability: You might be in a better financial position to afford elective procedures like LASIK.

In your 30’s, your body is still relatively young and healthy, which can aid in quicker recovery times and better outcomes. Plus, you’re probably not dealing with age-related eye conditions like presbyopia yet.

Benefits of LASIK in Your 30’s

  • Freedom from Glasses and Contacts

  • Enhanced Lifestyle

  • Confidence Boost

Freedom from Glasses and Contacts

Freedom from Glasses and Contacts

Imagine waking up and seeing the alarm clock clearly. No more searching for your glasses or dealing with dry, irritating contact lenses. LASIK can provide that freedom.

Enhanced Lifestyle

Enhanced Lifestyle

From sports to swimming to simply enjoying a rainy day without fogged-up glasses, LASIK can enhance your quality of life in numerous ways.

Confidence Boost

Confidence Boost

Let’s face it: confidence can take a hit when you’re constantly fussing with glasses or contacts. LASIK can give you a self-esteem boost by freeing you from these daily hassles.

Assessing Your Candidacy

The initial step towards LASIK surgery is a comprehensive exam with a LASIK specialist. This evaluation involves detailed assessments of the patient’s eye health, vision stability, and overall suitability for the procedure. The specialist will perform various tests, including corneal thickness measurement, pupil size assessment, and wavefront analysis, to create a precise map of the eye’s surface. 

Personalized Treatment Plans

Once your candidacy is confirmed, your experienced LASIK surgeon will craft a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique vision needs. This ensures the best possible outcome, addressing the specifics of your eyes for optimal results.

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Post-Surgery Expectations and Care 

Rapid Recovery and Immediate Results 

One of the significant advantages of LASIK is the rapid recovery time. Most patients experience a noticeable improvement in vision within 24 to 48 hours post-surgery. Full recovery, including stabilization of vision, typically occurs within a few weeks. During this period, patients are advised to follow their surgeon’s post-operative care instructions diligently to ensure optimal healing. 

Long-Term Vision Health 

While LASIK provides long-lasting vision correction, maintaining eye health through regular check-ups is essential. Periodic visits to the ophthalmologist help monitor the health of the eyes and detect any changes in vision early. Moreover, while LASIK provides long-term vision correction, it doesn’t prevent age-related vision changes like presbyopia. You might still need reading glasses later in life.

Deciding to get LASIK in your 30’s can be a game-changer, offering you the freedom and convenience of life without glasses or contacts. With stable vision, a busy lifestyle, and likely financial readiness, your 30’s might just be the perfect time to make this leap. Remember, thorough research and choosing the right surgeon are key to a successful LASIK experience. So, why wait? Take the first step towards a clearer, hassle-free future today!

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Many prospective patients wonder, “How does LASIK eye surgery feel?” The short answer: It’s a bit awkward but generally painless. Let’s walk through the LASIK experience to demystify the procedure and ease your concerns.

Pre-Surgery Preparation: Numbing Your Eyes

Before your LASIK procedure begins, your surgeon will administer anesthetic eye drops. These feel like ordinary eye drops but contain a local anesthetic that quickly numbs your eyes. As you blink, the numbing agent spreads across your eye surface, similar to windshield wiper fluid. This ensures you’ll feel no pain during the surgery.

The LASIK Procedure: What to Expect

  1. Keeping Your Eye Open Once you’re lying down in the laser suite, your doctor will use a speculum to hold your eye open. While your eye is numb, your eyelids aren’t, so this may feel slightly uncomfortable at first. Imagine holding your eye open to insert a contact lens – that’s similar to how it feels during LASIK.
  2. Creating the Flap The first main step of LASIK involves creating a corneal flap. Your surgeon will use a suction device, which may cause a feeling of pressure or mild discomfort. This is typically the least comfortable part of the procedure and contributes to the “awkward feeling” some patients describe.
  3. Reshaping the Cornea During the actual laser treatment to reshape your cornea, you’ll be asked to focus on a light. Surprisingly, most patients don’t feel any sensation during this part of the procedure.

Post-LASIK Sensations: The Healing Process

After LASIK surgery, it’s normal to experience some burning, tearing, or discomfort for a few hours. This is your eyes beginning the healing process – similar to how a scab might itch as it heals. Your doctor will recommend resting your eyes frequently for about a day post-surgery to aid in recovery.

Remember, while LASIK eye surgery might feel a bit strange, it’s a quick and generally comfortable procedure. The temporary awkwardness is a small price to pay for improved vision and freedom from glasses or contacts.

Considering LASIK? Schedule a consultation with our experienced surgeons to learn more about how LASIK eye surgery feels and whether it’s right for you.

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Summer is the best time of the year to be outdoors, and take in everything that nature has to offer. There’s always another barbecue, beach day, or beautiful hiking trail waiting around the next corner, which makes it tempting to put off your vision correction needs. But what if taking care of your vision also made it easier to enjoy everything that summer has to offer? Laser eye surgery offers the best of both worlds.

The minimal down-time of LASIK means you won’t miss many steamy summer days, and there’s nothing like enjoying your favorite summer activities with less dependency on glasses or contact lenses.

Don’t Wait. Enjoy Summer in Style with the Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery

  • Traveling with Peace of Mind – Have big travel plans this summer? Don’t let vision problems slow you down. Schedule LASIK ahead of time, so you can experience the sights of your travel destination with less hassle.
  • Freedom for Summer Sports – Whether you’re enjoying a hike in the great outdoors or unleashing a perfect drive down the fairway, clearer vision has major benefits. Opting for LASIK eye surgery may help you enjoy favorite summer sports.
  • A Delightful Day at the Beach – When the weather heats up, there’s no better place to be than the beach. The only downside? Between the sand, salt water, and summer sun, a trip to the beach poses unique challenges for anyone with glasses or contacts. Opt for LASIK eye surgery, and after your doctor’s recommended pot-operative recovery time, you can enjoy the excitement of the beach with less worry.
Summer the best time for LASIK
  • Summer Family Fun – With the kids out of school, summer is a very fun (and very busy!) time of the year for parents everywhere. The vision benefits of LASIK may inspire you to do activities that you previously avoided! Make the most of your time with your children without letting your vision hold you back.

Are you ready to start enjoying the benefits of laser eye surgery, just in time for summer? Schedule your FREE consultation now.

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Most popular summer pastimes involve spending time in the sun, whether you’re at the pool, a ballgame, or tending to your garden on a sunny afternoon. While you’re busy enjoying your favorite summer activities, it’s equally important to consider eye protection from the sun. Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun can cause short-term damage, and extended exposure to UV light is a key contributor to many common vision problems.

eye protection from the sun

Sun Eye Protection Outdoors

One of the biggest misconceptions about summer is that a cloudy day means you’re safe from the dangerous side effects of the sun’s rays. In truth, eye protection is just as important on cloudy days, because plenty of light still makes it through clouds. The same goes for cooler than average summer days. Cooler air may make sunlight feel less intense, but it doesn’t lower the risk that comes from UV light. During the summer, it’s always better to play it safe with your eye health by using adequate sun eye protection.

  • UV-Blocking Sunglasses – Sunglasses come in many styles, and keeping a pair handy is a great decision year-round. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends choosing sunglasses that are labeled “100 percent UV protection,” and lenses that provide coverage for your whole eye. The good news is that you don’t have to spend big money to get the necessary UV protection, as plenty of lower-priced options do the job just fine.
  • Don’t Forget a Hat – In addition to providing added eye protection, a broad-brimmed hat helps keep direct sunlight off of your face. While a baseball-style cap doesn’t provide quite the same level of eye protection, it’s still a solid option. It’s important to remember, however, that a hat isn’t a substitute for UV-protection sunglasses. It’s best to have both on hand, especially if you’ll be spending long hours in the sun.
  • Eye Protection While Swimming – Spending time in the pool, lake, or ocean is a fun way to cool off in the summer, and it’s wise to protect your eyes whenever you take a dip. Some swimming goggles offer UV protection, and help keep the water out of your eyes in addition to protecting from sunlight. Remember that if you wear contacts, it’s best to take them out before going for a swim.
  • Caring for Kids – Children can be especially vulnerable to the effects of UV light because they not only tend to spend more time outdoors, but they don’t understand the danger of the sun’s rays, so be sure your little ones have ample eye protection. Sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen work well for children, too, so the trick is simply getting your kids to use them regularly. It’s worth the effort.
  • Planning Your Day – If you’re planning an outdoor activity, the morning or late afternoon are both better than midday. The sun is at its strongest during the midday hours, from 12 o’clock to early afternoon. In addition to helping you avoid the strongest UV light, planning for the right time of day will typically keep you out of the most intense summer heat.

Protecting your eyes when outdoors should be a priority throughout the entire year, especially during the summer months. It will require few, if any, changes to your routine, and it really does make a difference. Keeping a wide-brimmed hat and a pair of sunglasses in your vehicle is a great way to ensure that you’ll have ample eye protection, no matter where your favorite outdoor activities take you.


The heat is on: Ensure patients’ protective eyewear is, too. (n.d.). AOA. https://www.aoa.org/news/clinical-eye-care/health-and-wellness/protecting-patients-eye-summer?sso=y

Like LASIK, Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) is a proven laser eye surgery procedure to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. PRK offers an excellent success rate and an ideal alternative for patients who may not be a good candidate for LASIK surgery. While PRK and LASIK are similar in many ways, the recovery process for each procedure is a bit different.

Ahead, we’ll cover the key steps and milestones of PRK laser eye surgery recovery, so you’ll know exactly what to expect on the path to better vision.

PRK Laser Eye Surgery Recovery: Timeline and Key Recovery Milestones

The biggest difference between PRK and LASIK is no flap is required for PRK laser eye surgery. Both procedures reshape the cornea to address vision problems, but the lack of a flap with PRK is actually why it’s a good fit for people who may not be a good candidate for LASIK surgery.

  • First Days of PRK Recovery – The first few days of PRK laser eye surgery recovery will mostly be dedicated to resting, to allow the healing process to take its course. A soft contact lens “bandage” will be placed on the cornea to help protect your eye. Typically, the bandage is worn for 5 days. You may experience some itching, or discomfort during the first few days, but these symptoms clear up progressively as your eyes get a chance to heal. Your doctor will typically schedule your first follow-up appointment shortly after your PRK surgery, to check on your progress and answer any questions you may have.
  • Eye Protection and Lubrication – With PRK recovery, it’s important to provide your eyes with the protection they need to heal. Dry eye is very common after any eye surgery, so using the eye drops your doctor prescribes is highly recommended, and you will also have eye protection for while you sleep. It’s important to avoid rubbing your eyes even when they itch, because rubbing can lead to a longer recovery.
  • Follow-up Visits – You will have a series of follow-up visits during your PRK recovery period, with a longer duration between each visit as you move through the healing process. These visits are very important, so be sure to attend every scheduled check-up to make sure that everything is progressing as planned. Your checkups are also the perfect time to ask your doctor about resuming specific activities.
  • Weeks after PRK – In the weeks after PRK surgery, you may experience sensitivity to light, difficulty seeing at night, and a halo effect around bright lights. These are all normal symptoms, and should resolve themselves as your eyes continue to heal. The first month tends to feature a pretty rapid improvement, and you’ll even notice a big difference by the end of the first week.
  • Months after PRK – By this point, recovery symptoms should be a thing of the past, and you should be enjoying the benefits of improved visual acuity from PRK. You may still have a few scheduled checkups with your doctor, but these appointments are mostly to make sure that things are progressing as planned. Just like with LASIK, the six-month mark is a major milestone for PRK recovery.

Having the right laser eye surgeon on your side makes a big difference in your PRK recovery, so be sure to choose a team that makes you feel comfortable – and keeps you informed – throughout the process. You’ll be enjoying your favorite activities with newfound clarity before you know it.

Contact lenses are a popular choice for vision correction, offering convenience and improved aesthetics over traditional glasses. Millions of people worldwide use contact lenses daily, enjoying the freedom they provide. However, you may ask yourself: are contacts safe for long-term use? Despite their popularity, contact lenses come with inherent risks and potential complications that should not be overlooked. Lets dive into the benefits and risks of contacts and review a safer option for your vision needs.

Understanding Contact Lenses: Benefits and Risks 

The Benefits of Contact Lenses 

  • Improved Visual Acuity: Contacts conform to the curvature of your eye, providing a wider field of view and reducing distortions compared to glasses. 
  • Convenience: They are ideal for active lifestyles, allowing unrestricted movement without the risk of glasses falling off. 
  • Temporary Aesthetic Appeal: Contacts eliminate the need for frames temporarily, offering a more natural look and the option to change eye color with colored lenses. 

Potential Risks of Contact Lenses

  • Eye Infections: Improper hygiene and extended wear can lead to serious eye infections, including keratitis, which can result in vision loss if not treated promptly. 
  • Dry Eye Syndrome: Contact lenses can reduce the amount of oxygen reaching your eyes, leading to dryness and discomfort.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some people may develop allergic reactions to the contact lens material or cleaning solutions. 
  • Corneal Abrasions: Poorly fitting lenses or mishandling can cause scratches on the cornea, leading to pain and increased infection risk. 

LASIK: A Superior Alternative to Contact Lenses 

Contacts can carry risks if hygiene practices are not strictly followed and long-term use of contacts can also lead to discomfort and dry eyes. On the other hand, LASIK is considered very safe with minimal risk of complications, particularly when performed by experienced surgeons. LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) has emerged as a superior alternative to contact lenses for many individuals. This laser eye surgery offers a permanent solution to correct vision issues such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. 

 The Benefits of LASIK 

  • Permanent Vision Correction: Unlike contact lenses, LASIK offers a permanent solution, significantly reducing or eliminating the need for corrective eyewear. 
  • Quick Recovery: Most patients experience improved vision within 24 hours and can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure. 
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: LASIK can improve your overall quality of life, providing the freedom from daily maintenance associated with contact lenses. 
  • Safety and Efficacy: Advances in technology have made LASIK safer and more effective, with a high success rate and minimal complications. 

The LASIK Procedure: What to Expect 

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: The process begins with a comprehensive eye examination to determine if you are a suitable candidate for LASIK. Your eye doctor will assess your vision, eye health, and corneal thickness. 
  2. Pre-Procedure Preparation: On the day of the surgery, you will receive numbing eye drops to ensure a painless experience. The surgeon will use a femtosecond laser to create a thin flap on the cornea. 
  3. Reshaping the Cornea: A second laser, the excimer laser, reshapes the underlying corneal tissue to correct vision. The flap is then repositioned, acting as a natural bandage. 
  4. Post-Procedure Care: After the surgery, you will need to follow post-operative care instructions to ensure proper healing. This may include using prescribed eye drops and avoiding strenuous activities for a minimal period of time. 
Here is LASIK surgeon, Dr. George Joseph, walking a patient through their LASIK procedure.

Comparing Costs: Contacts vs. LASIK 

While LASIK has a higher upfront cost compared to contact lenses, it can be more cost-effective in the long run. The ongoing expenses of contact lenses, including cleaning solutions and regular replacements, can add up over the years. LASIK eliminates these recurring costs, making it a more economical option for many people. 

Financial Considerations 

  • Initial Investment

  • Payment Options

  • Savings Over Time

Initial Investment

Initial Investment

The cost of LASIK typically ranges from $2,000 up to $4,000 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s expertise and the technology used.

Payment Options

Payment Options

There are many ways to afford LASIK. Many people finance their procedures, at a monthly cost that has been compared to a utility bill. In addition, some choose to put the balance on a rewards-bearing credit card for points, miles, etc.

Savings Over Time

Savings Over Time

Consider the annual cost of glasses, contacts, eye exams and supplies. LASIK can pay for itself within a few years, resulting in significant long-term savings.

Safety and Effectiveness of Contacts and LASIK 

When weighing the safety and effectiveness of contact lenses against LASIK, it is important to consider the long-term implications for your eye health. Choosing between contact lenses and LASIK ultimately depends on your lifestyle, budget, and vision goals. While contact lenses offer a non-surgical solution with flexibility, LASIK provides a permanent correction that can enhance your quality of life. 

Key Considerations 

  • Lifestyle Needs: If you lead an active lifestyle and desire freedom from daily lens maintenance, LASIK might be the better option. 
  • Long-Term Vision Health: Consider the long-term impact on your eye health and the potential risks associated with prolonged contact lens use. 
  • Financial Investment: Weigh the initial cost of LASIK against the cumulative expenses of contact lenses over time. 

Embracing Clear Vision with LASIK 

Both contact lenses and LASIK offer viable solutions for vision correction, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. However, for those seeking a safe long-term, hassle-free solution, LASIK stands out as the superior choice. By opting for LASIK, you can enjoy the benefits of clear vision without the ongoing maintenance and risks associated with contact lenses.

Take the first step towards better vision by scheduling a free LASIK consultation today!

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Understanding LASIK Surgery and Age Considerations

Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is a widely recognized procedure for correcting vision issues such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. While the minimum age for LASIK surgery is 18 years, there is no definitive upper age limit for undergoing this procedure. Instead, even in your 50’s and 60’s the eligibility for LASIK is primarily determined by the health and stability of the eyes.

Am I a Good LASIK Candidate in My 50’s and 60’s?

LASIK candidacy requires:

  • Stable Vision Prescription: To be considered for LASIK, a patient’s vision prescription must remain stable for at least one year. Frequent changes in prescription can indicate underlying issues that may compromise the effectiveness of the surgery.
  • Eye Health: Good overall eye health is essential for LASIK candidates. Conditions such as cataracts or severe refractive errors may preclude LASIK as an option. Patients should also be free from eye infections or injuries and have corneas of sufficient thickness.
  • General Health: Patients should be in good overall health. Certain conditions, such as autoimmune disorders or the regular use of medications like corticosteroids, can affect healing and may impact the decision to proceed with LASIK.
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Is There an Age Limit for LASIK?

Although there is no strict age cutoff for LASIK, there are other reasons why patients may opt for this surgery beyond the age of 45. These reasons include the increased risk of cataracts and the onset of presbyopia.


Presbyopia is the age-related loss of near vision, typically beginning around age 45. LASIK primarily corrects vision at a single distance, which means patients who undergo LASIK for distance vision might still require reading glasses.

man looks at phone from a distance as he struggles to read phone text up close
diagram of eye with Cataracts

Cataract Development

As individuals age, the likelihood of developing cataracts increases. Cataracts can cloud the lens of the eye, reducing vision clarity. While LASIK does not prevent cataracts, patients who have had cataract surgery can still consider LASIK afterward.

The Best LASIK Options For Your 50’s and 60’s

Monovision LASIK

Monovision LASIK is often recommended for older patients. This procedure corrects one eye for distance vision and the other for near vision, providing a blended vision that helps compensate for presbyopia. Before proceeding with monovision LASIK, patients typically trial this vision correction using contact lenses to ensure compatibility.

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE): An Alternative to LASIK

For many patients in their 50s and 60s, Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) offers a viable alternative to LASIK. Unlike LASIK, which reshapes the cornea, RLE replaces the eye’s natural lens with an advanced intraocular lens (IOL). This procedure is similar to cataract surgery and provides long-term vision correction.

Making the Right Choice for Vision Correction

Choosing the right vision correction involves a thorough evaluation of eye health and personal vision goals. A consultation with an experienced ophthalmologist is crucial to determine the best course of action. The experienced doctor will assess the patient’s overall health, eye condition, and lifestyle needs to recommend the most suitable vision correction option.

Schedule a free consultation with one of our LASIK experts today, to understand if LASIK eye surgery is the best option for you.

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