More Questions to Ask Your LASIK Surgeon

LASIK eye surgery has become a popular alternative to the use of corrective lenses such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. By 2008 alone, more than 12 million Americans had opted to leave their lenses behind and contact a LASIK surgeon. More and more individuals are choosing LASIK as a solution to their vision concerns. If you have recently begun to consider the option of LASIK surgery for vision correction, you may want to speak with a LASIK doctor about the benefits of LASIK surgery and what choices will be the right ones for you.

If you are unsure where to begin when speaking with your LASIK doctor, here are some questions you may wish to ask:

Is LASIK surgery right for me?

Every person is unique! When you schedule a free LASIK consultation, our expert LASIK team will advise you on whether you are, in fact, an eligible candidate for LASIK eye surgery, and if so, which procedure is the best fit for you based on multiple factors such as (but not limited to), your medical history, eye health, age (you must be 18 or older), and what type of correction your eyes need, etc. Meeting with a trusted LASIK expert one-on-one will not only help determine if LASIK surgery is right for you, but also will give you the information you’ll need to make an informed decision.

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Is LASIK right for you?

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How long have you been performing LASIK procedures?

It is important to be comfortable with your LASIK surgeon. Ask the LASIK eye surgeons you meet with about their qualifications, years of experience, how many LASIK procedures they’ve completed, and what type of laser technology they use. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Do your research to find a trusted LASIK surgeon near you and learn about his or her background in the field.

What is the cost of LASIK surgery?

LASIK eye surgery costs can vary widely among providers. LASIK costs can be excessive at many other LASIK providers throughout the country. The LASIK Vision Institute is different. LVI owns all of their equipment and facilities, and therefore is able to pass a significant savings on the cost of LASIK back to you while not compromising quality.  Additionally, you can take advantage of financing opportunities, insurance coverage discounts, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), or Health Savings Accounts (HSA) that could be applied toward the cost of your procedure. Tax refunds are another opportunity to offset the cost of LASIK surgery.

What will I typically experience after a LASIK eye surgery procedure?

Speaking with your LASIK doctor will allow you to find out exactly what you can expect after a LASIK treatment. Most LASIK surgeons recommend keeping your eyes closed for the first few hours following surgery and resting for the first 24 hours. After your surgery, you will receive a post-operative consultation and your LASIK doctor will be able to tell you what to expect in the days and weeks following treatment.

LASIK surgery has provided many people the chance to be less dependent on corrective lenses and eyewear. LASIK may or may not be the right choice for you. By taking advantage of a no-obligation Free LASIK Consultation, you have the opportunity to start the process to find out if LASIK is a good fit for your lifestyle.

In our fast-paced world, stress has become an unavoidable part of daily life for many. From deadlines at work to personal pressures, the effects of stress can manifest in various ways, including physical health. One area often overlooked is its impact on eyesight. Yes, you read it right – stress can affect your vision more than you might realize.

Understanding the Connection

The eyes are not just windows to the soul; they are also mirrors reflecting our overall well-being. When stress levels spike, the body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, preparing us for the perceived threat – the infamous “fight or flight” response. While this response is crucial for survival, chronic stress can wreak havoc on the body, including the eyes.

Stress and Eye Health

  1. Blurry Vision: Have you ever noticed your vision blurring during particularly stressful times? Blurred vision is a common symptom of stress. The tension created by stress can cause the muscles around the eyes to contract, leading to temporary vision disturbances.
  2. Eye Strain: Spending prolonged periods in front of screens is a common modern-day stressor. This habit, combined with stress, can lead to eye strain or digital eye fatigue. Symptoms include dry eyes, headaches, and difficulty focusing – all of which can worsen with increased stress levels.
  3. Increased Risk of Eye Conditions: Chronic stress weakens the immune system, making you more susceptible to various health conditions, including those affecting the eyes. Conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and even diabetic retinopathy may progress more rapidly in individuals experiencing chronic stress.

Managing Stress for Better Vision

Now that we understand the impact of stress on eyesight, let’s explore some strategies to mitigate its effects:

  1. Practice Stress Reduction Techniques: Incorporate stress-relief activities into your daily routine, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help lower cortisol levels and promote overall well-being, benefiting both your mind and your eyes.
  2. Take Regular Breaks: Whether you’re working on a computer or engaged in other visually demanding tasks, remember to take regular breaks. Follow the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to give your eyes a break.
  3. Prioritize Sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for overall health, including eye health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your eyes to rest and rejuvenate.
  4. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular exercise can support both your physical and mental health, reducing the impact of stress on your eyesight.


In conclusion, the impact of stress on eyesight is undeniable. From temporary vision disturbances to an increased risk of eye conditions, chronic stress can take a toll on your visual health. By adopting stress management techniques and prioritizing self-care, you can safeguard your eyesight and promote overall well-being. Remember, your eyes deserve as much care as the rest of your body.

Many laser eye surgery candidates wonder if they will need to see their eye doctor for an annual exam following their LASIK procedures. After all, most will no longer require glasses or contact lenses. However, while your vision may be 20/20 or better following your LASIK procedure, it is still important to visit your eye care professional once a year for a routine checkup to maintain the health of your eyes.

In addition to assessing eyesight and prescribing eye glasses or contacts, optometrists are trained to look for eye diseases and conditions that can threaten vision and overall health, including cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and others. Serious eye diseases, such as glaucoma, often have no symptoms at all until permanent vision loss occurs. A yearly visit to your eye doctor is your best defense against possible future debilitating eye diseases—whether you have had LASIK or not.

Who needs an eye exam?

It is especially important for patients who have diabetes, cancer or other chronic medical conditions to have their eyes examined annually, particularly those who are taking medications that may affect the eyes.

Even after successful LASIK surgery, some people may require future enhancements or glasses for activities such as reading or driving, as eyesight may deteriorate as part of the natural aging process. Your eye doctor will be able discuss your options with you and work with your LASIK surgeon, if necessary, to ensure your continued satisfaction with your LASIK procedure.

Additionally, some patients may experience dry eyes or eye discomfort brought on by allergies. Your eye doctor can prescribe eye drops to relieve these symptoms so you can enjoy the benefits of your LASIK surgery to the fullest.

Finally, if your LASIK center or surgeon offers a lifetime commitment on your laser-corrected vision results, you may be required to have an annual eye exam to remain eligible for future enhancements.

Eye exams for long-term eye health

By electing to have LASIK eye surgery, you have made the decision to invest in your best possible eyesight. Annual visits to your optometrist can help you to reap the benefits this investment for years to come. Remember, your eye doctor knows your eyes better than anyone else—make her your partner in healthy vision for life.

LASIK eye surgery offers potential vision correction benefits, but how long do the results of LASIK last? It’s a common question from patients, and the precise answer depends, in part, on the individual.

LASIK treats common vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism, but does not stop normal, age-related changes in the eye that may occur later.

LASIK Surgery Duration

The surgery duration itself is brief – approximately 15 minutes per eye. Choosing the right LASIK surgeon, procedure, and laser technology may help in achieving the best results.

Exploring its history, LASIK eye surgery was approved in Canada in the early 1990s and in the United States shortly thereafter, so there is a long track record of data on LASIK results. The results of LASIK are typically long-lasting, but natural changes in the eye over time may lead to the need for additional vision correction treatments or an enhancement procedure.

Vision Correction after LASIK Eye Surgery

While LASIK treats existing vision problems, it does not prevent the natural changes that occur in the eye over time. There may be some cases where patients need additional treatments in the future, or corrective lenses after having LASIK surgery.

Presbyopia, the condition which causes the need for reading glasses for adults in their 40s, LASIK does not address the potential need for reading glasses for patients over 40 years old.  Occasionally, the patient chooses a monovision procedure which allows for close-up vision in one eye and distance vision in the other.. So reading glasses may be required, even if the other vision problems addressed in the LASIK procedure are no longer causing problems.

Just as you may have had minor changes in your glasses prescription over time prior to LASIK, you may have slight changes in your vision over time after laser eye surgery. Because of these natural changes, a person may need additional surgery. This is often called an enhancement, or a touch-up procedure.

Some LASIK providers offer enhancements at no charge with a grace period, while others charge for enhancements. It is important to ask your provider for their policy on enhancements, to learn whether there will be any cost to you if an enhancement is needed. Using a highly skilled LASIK surgeon, the latest laser technology, and going to a provider who screens candidates carefully may help reduce the potential need for enhancements.


Eye Health and Annual Eye Exams After LASIK

While LASIK may reduce your reliance on glasses or contact lenses, it’s still important to keep up with annual eye exams with your regular eye doctor after LASIK eye surgery. During your annual eye exam, your doctor will perform a variety of tests to measure your overall eye health, and discuss any treatment options for your current vision health needs. An annual exam also helps your eye doctor keep up with the natural changes that may occur in your eyes over time.

Eye exam

Did you know you can potentially save on LASIK eye surgery at The LASIK Vision Institute using pre-tax dollars? Here’s how a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) can help you achieve clearer vision without breaking the bank.

What is an FSA and How Can It Help with LASIK?

An FSA is a workplace benefit account that allows you to set aside pre-tax money for qualified medical expenses, including LASIK surgery. This reduces your overall taxable income and saves you money on the procedure.

2024 FSA Contribution Limits:

The IRS sets annual contribution limits for FSAs. For 2024, the maximum contribution is $3,200 (up from $3,050 in 2023). Some employers may also contribute to your FSA, further increasing your savings.


Using Your FSA for LASIK:

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Confirm with your employer if they offer an FSA and what the contribution limit is for 2024.
  2. Plan Your Contribution: Estimate the cost of LASIK surgery and choose an FSA contribution amount that covers it (or a significant portion).
  3. Schedule Your Consultation: Contact The LASIK Vision Institute to schedule a free consultation. Discuss financing options with the LASIK specialist, including how your FSA can be used.

Key Points to Remember:

  • FSA funds are typically available at the beginning of the plan year, allowing you to plan for LASIK early.
  • Some employers offer grace periods or carryover options, letting you use unused funds from the previous year.
  • If you have questions about your FSA, including grace periods or carryover rules, contact your employer’s HR department.

Ready to See Clearly with LASIK?

Schedule your free consultation at The LASIK Vision Institute today! We can help you determine if LASIK is right for you and explore how your FSA can be used to make it more affordable.

LASIK Locations


IRS: 2024 Flexible Spending Arrangement contribution limit rises by $150 | Internal Revenue Service. (n.d.).,Security%20tax%20or%20Medicare%20tax.

Sports Eye Safety for LASIK Patients: Unleash Your Active Side with Confidence

The Thrill of Sports, the Fear of Injury

As the warm weather beckons, the call to embrace outdoor sports and activities grows stronger. However, for those who have undergone LASIK surgery, the exhilaration of physical pursuits can be overshadowed by concerns about eye safety. Fear not, for with the right precautions and guidance, you can savor the joys of your favorite sports while protecting your precious vision.

Heeding the Wake-up Call: Sports Eye Safety Month

April marks Sports Eye Safety Month, a timely reminder of the importance of prioritizing eye protection during athletic endeavors. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a staggering 90% of sports-related eye injuries can be prevented by taking the necessary precautions. This statistic serves as a rallying cry for all athletes, especially LASIK patients, to equip themselves with the knowledge and tools to safeguard their eyes.

The LASIK Patient’s Guide to Sports Eye Safety

For those who have undergone LASIK surgery, ensuring eye safety during sports is paramount. Here are essential tips to help you embrace an active lifestyle with confidence:

1. Follow Your Surgeon’s Guidance

Before engaging in any physical activity, it is crucial to consult with your LASIK surgeon. They will provide personalized recommendations on when it is safe to resume sports and what precautions you should take. Adhering to their guidance is the first step toward protecting your vision and ensuring a successful recovery.

2. Invest in Proper Protective Eyewear

Regular eyeglasses or sunglasses are not designed to withstand the impact and rigors of sports. Invest in sport-specific protective eyewear that meets the appropriate safety standards for your chosen activity. Look for eyewear that is shatter-resistant, well-ventilated, and offers adequate coverage for your eyes.

3. Know the Risks of Your Sport

Each sport carries its own set of risks when it comes to eye injuries. Sports that involve high-speed projectiles, such as baseball, hockey, or racquetball, pose a higher risk of eye trauma. Physical contact sports like basketball, soccer, or martial arts also increase the chances of accidental eye pokes or blows. By understanding the specific risks associated with your sport, you can better prepare and take appropriate precautions.

sports eye protection for LASIK patients

4. Go Beyond Minimum Requirements

While sports organizations may provide guidelines for protective equipment, it is essential to go above and beyond the minimum requirements. These guidelines may not always account for the unique needs of LASIK patients or the latest advancements in eye protection technology. Consult with your eye care professional to ensure you have the most effective and up-to-date protective gear.

5. Seek Expert Advice

Your LASIK surgeon and eye care professionals are invaluable resources when it comes to sports eye safety. Don’t hesitate to seek their advice on the best protective eyewear, risk assessment, and any concerns you may have about participating in specific sports or activities.

Embracing an Active Lifestyle with Confidence

By following these essential tips and prioritizing sports eye safety, LASIK patients can unleash their active side with confidence. Embrace the thrill of your favorite sports while safeguarding your vision, ensuring that your LASIK investment remains a lasting source of clarity and enjoyment for years to come.

Millions have ditched their glasses and contacts thanks to LASIK surgery, the leading laser vision correction procedure. But how does it work? Here’s a simple breakdown in 4 steps:

LASIK Eye Surgery – 4 Easy Steps

First Step: Schedule Your Free LASIK Consultation

It all starts with a free consultation! Book yours easily online or call The LASIK Vision Institute (LVI). Our nationwide network of LVI Centers offers flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Second Step: Free Consultation & Evaluation

During your free consultation, our LVI team will explain everything you need to know about LASIK, our advanced technology, and answer any questions you might have. We’ll also perform a comprehensive eye exam using state-of-the-art scanning technology to determine if LASIK is the perfect solution for your vision.

Third Step: Your LASIK Procedure (Faster Than You Think!)

The LASIK procedure itself is a breeze, typically taking only 15 minutes. At your appointment, your surgeon will use numbing drops and create a thin, hinged flap in your cornea using specialized equipment. Then, with the aid of a computer, they’ll precisely reshape your cornea with the LASIK laser, correcting your vision. The flap is then gently placed back in position – no stitches needed! You’ll likely notice an improvement in your vision almost immediately.

Fourth Step: Recovery & Enjoying Clear Vision!

The final step is a short recovery period. After your procedure, wear sunglasses and have a friend drive you home. Get some rest for about 24 hours and avoid straining your eyes by skipping TV, computer use, or reading for a while. Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments, but most patients can return to work the next day. You’ll also need to avoid eye makeup and certain products for a few weeks.

Ready to ditch your glasses and see the world clearly? Schedule your free LASIK consultation with The LASIK Vision Institute today!


Schedule Now

You’ve heard the hype about carrots and beta carotene, but plenty of other supermarket staples have been shown to offer significant eye health benefits. Next time you’re in the meat and veggie aisles, look for these ingredients to make a meal that’s more than eye candy.

1.       Spinach Omelet

Eggs and spinach are packed with lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that may guard against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Make this savory omelet for breakfast, lunch or dinner to invest in your eye health.


3 eggs (or 1 egg, 3 egg whites)

1 tablespoon parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon mozzarella cheese

¼ teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper

½ teaspoon olive oil or canola oil

1 cup fresh spinach, torn

½ cup sliced mushrooms (optional)

½ cup diced tomato (optional)

2 tablespoons chopped onion

a.      Beat egg (and/or egg whites).

b.      Mix in cheeses and spices.

c.       Heat oil in skillet over medium heat.

d.      Add spinach to skillet, cook till wilted.

e.      Add remaining veggies to skillet along with egg mixture.

f.       Cook till eggs set (about 10-15 minutes). Serve.

2.       Salmon and Collard Greens

It’s no secret salmon comes with an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fat is infamously healthy and often comes in pill supplements—but did you know it might also support visual development, retinal function and reduced dry eye? Sear yourself some of this fish (or substitute mackerel) and combine with down-home collard greens (or another leafy green) for an extra boost of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that may guard against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.


For the Salmon:

4 6-ounce salmon fillets

2 teaspoons olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Lemon wedges (garnish)

For the Greens:

2 pounds collard greens (stems removed)

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 cloves minced garlic

½ teaspoon crushed red pepper

1 cup vegetable stock (water OK)

½ red onion, sliced

2 tablespoons cider vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste

a.       Add oil to nonstick pan on high heat.

b.      Season salmon with salt and pepper.

c.       Place salmon (skin-side down) on pan. Reduce heat to medium.

d.      Cook salmon at least 5 minutes on one side. (If you lift the fish too soon it won’t sear, and it will stick to the pan.)

e.      Turn fillets and cook 3-5 minutes more until barely pink in the center.

f.       Meanwhile in a large pot heat olive oil on medium heat.

g.      Add garlic and crushed red pepper.

h.      When garlic is softened add stock (or water). Bring to a simmer.

i.        Add onion, collard greens, and vinegar to pot. Cook 10-15 minutes till collard greens are tender.

j.        Divide collard greens on four plates.

k.       Bed one salmon fillet on each plate of greens and garnish with lemon wedges. Serve immediately.

3.       Turkey Sandwich with Roasted Bell Pepper

Turkey is a major carrier of niacin, a B vitamin. Studies have shown niacin may have cataract-prevention benefits. Pile this Thanksgiving staple into a hefty sandwich and slip in some bell pepper, providing not only a crunch but also Vitamin C, which may help prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.


1 large bell pepper (any color)

4 slices rye or sunflower-seed bread (bread you have lying around OK)

Spinach or lettuce

¼ pound turkey

4 fresh basil leaves (optional)

Mayonnaise (optional)

a.       Deseed, slice and roast bell pepper in the oven or on a grill.

b.      Spread bread with mayonnaise (optional) and top with spinach, onion, turkey, peppers and basil.

c.       Top with remaining bread slice. Makes 2 sandwiches.

4.       Peanut Butter Sandwich with Carrot Snack

Nuts, including peanut butter, are filled with Vitamin E. Vitamin E protects eye cells from free radicals. Spread a few tablespoons of peanut butter onto sandwich bread (make it sunflower-seed bread or rye bread for extra Vitamin E) and scoop a helping of carrots onto your plate. The carrots add beta carotene, a type of Vitamin A that may promote healthy night vision.


2 slices bread (rye or sunflower-seed preferred)

2 tablespoons peanut butter

Handful carrot sticks

1 tablespoon applesauce (optional)

1 banana (optional)

2 tablespoons Nutella (optional)

2 tablespoons marshmallow fluff (optional)

a.      Spread bread with peanut butter.

b.      Spread on any optional additional ingredient (applesauce, banana, Nutella, marshmallow fluff).

c.       Toast if desired.

d.      Plate with carrot sticks and serve.

5.       Liver and Onion (and Carrots)

Rich in zinc, which may aid night vision and may help prevent cataracts, liver combines naturally with onions. Add some carrots to your cooking pot for a soft bite of beta-carotene, known also as a possible health aid for night vision. And what’s not to love about this recipe, which includes bacon?


2 lbs beef liver

8 slices cooked bacon (halved to 16 pieces)

½ cup carrot slices

½ cup celery pieces

1 onion, sliced

1 lb stewed tomatoes

1 tsp salt

¼ tsp ground black pepper

1 bay leaf

a.       Place liver in crock pot and lay bacon pieces on top.

b.      Mix together remaining ingredients and pour over liver.

c.       Cover and cook 6-8 hours in crock pot on low heat.

6.       Ahi Tuna and Steamed Broccoli

Tuna is a major carrier of fatty acids, specifically omega-3 acids. These have been shown to help visual development, retinal function and treatment of dry eye. Sear yourself some tuna steaks and add a side of steamed broccoli or spinach for a fix of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that may guard against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.


2 5-ounce tuna steaks

1 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

½ tablespoon butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon whole peppercorns

1 or 2 bunches broccoli

a.      Season tuna steaks with salt and cayenne.

b.      Add butter and olive oil to nonstick skillet on medium-high.

c.      Cook peppercorns till soft (about 5 minutes and they will pop).

d.      Gently place tuna steaks in skillet. Cook at least 2 minutes per side.

e.      Rinse broccoli and break into bite-size florets. Remove stem.

f.       Boil 1 inch water in pot. Add broccoli to steamer or, if no steamer, directly to water. Cook 5 minutes or till soft.

g.      Plate broccoli and tuna steaks. Serve immediately.

7.       Pizza with Anchovies, Bell Pepper, Spinach

Pizza can provide a lot of nutrients, from carbs to protein to healthy fat and beyond, to vitamins and minerals, depending on your topping. Try this recipe for a dose of omega-3 fatty acids (may help retinal function and to treat dry eyes), of Vitamin C (which might protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts) and of lutein and zeaxanthin, which offer similar benefits as Vitamin C.


1 pizza crust

1 can tomato sauce

10 oz cheese (mozzarella, Italian, asiago, etc.)

2 anchovy fillets

3 cups baby spinach

1 bell pepper, sliced or diced

3 cloves minced garlic

1 cup diced onion

¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper

Additional toppings to taste

a.      Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

b.      Spread tomato sauce on pizza crust and sprinkle with cheese.

c.      Top with additional toppings and season to taste.

d.      Sprinkle a final layer of cheese.

e.      Bake 10-15 minutes.

8.       Kale Chips

We know what you’re thinking. But give these a try. Kale is packed with lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that may guard against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. They are also easier than pie to make! Grab some kale at the store, and get ready to make these chips with cupboard items and a few spare minutes that you already have lying around.


4 cups kale

1 tablespoon olive oil

Salt to taste

a.      Tear kale into chip-sized pieces and rinse.

b.      Dry kale and toss with olive oil. (You can use your hands.)

c.       Cover pan with parchment paper and lay kale in single layer.

d.      Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes or until dry.

e.      Salt to taste and enjoy!

Whether or not you’ve had LASIK surgery, eye and vision care are essential. In addition to eating for good eye health, be sure to get annual eye exams. Annual eye exams are crucial for eye and overall health.

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a revolutionary laser vision correction procedure that has transformed the lives of millions by eliminating dependence on glasses and contact lenses. This highly sought-after surgery boasts a remarkable success rate, but navigating the LASIK landscape can be daunting for potential patients. To ensure an informed decision, here’s a comprehensive guide that delves deeper than the basics, empowering you to ask insightful questions and embark on your journey to clear vision with confidence.

What are the steps involved in LASIK?

  • Numbing Comfort: Your ophthalmologist (a surgeon specializing in the eye) will administer anesthetic eye drops to ensure pain-free comfort throughout the procedure.
  • Creating a Corneal Flap: Using a femtosecond laser (a highly precise laser technology), a thin, hinged flap is created within your cornea, the transparent dome at the front of your eye. This flap acts as a temporary cover during the reshaping process.
  • Reshaping the Cornea: A second laser, the excimer laser, precisely reshapes the underlying corneal tissue. This customized ablation (removal) corrects the specific refractive errors causing your vision problems.
  • Flap Repositioning: The meticulously crafted corneal flap is then gently repositioned onto its original bed. The inherent adhesive properties of the corneal tissue allow the flap to naturally adhere without sutures.
  • Bilateral Completion: The entire procedure is then meticulously repeated on your other eye. Remarkably, LASIK surgery typically takes only around 15 minutes to complete for both eyes.

 What does laser eye surgery correct?

LASIK can correct nearsightedness (Myopia) which is difficulty in seeing distant objects clearly, farsightedness (Hyperopia) the inability to clearly see near objects and astigmatism or blurred vision at all distances due to an irregularly shaped cornea. By reshaping the corneal tissue with the excimer laser, LASIK corrects the way light enters your eye, enabling you to achieve clear vision without corrective lenses.

Am I a candidate for LASIK?

Determining your suitability for LASIK is a crucial step. Several factors influence candidacy, which your ophthalmologist will thoroughly evaluate during a comprehensive pre-operative consultation. Here are some key considerations:

  • Age: Generally, LASIK is recommended for individuals above 18 whose vision prescription has remained stable for at least a year.
  • Overall Health: Good general health is crucial for optimal healing and successful outcomes.
  • Corneal Thickness: The cornea must possess adequate thickness to undergo LASIK safely.
  • Eye Conditions: Certain pre-existing eye conditions, such as dry eye or uncontrolled eye diseases, may require alternative vision correction solutions.

An in-depth discussion with your ophthalmologist is vital to determine if LASIK aligns with your unique needs and expectations.

 What are the surgeon’s qualifications?

LASIK is a delicate surgical procedure, and selecting a highly skilled and experienced ophthalmologist is paramount. Your ophthalmologist should be board-certified. Additionally, you should inquire about the surgeon’s experience in performing LASIK procedures. More experienced surgeons offer greater proficiency and abilities to navigate potential challenges. Investigate the technology employed by the LASIK center and opt for centers equipped with advanced laser technologies like femtosecond lasers for enhanced precision and safety. Finally read patient reviews to gain insight into the overall patient experience.

 What should I expect after LASIK?

While healing timelines can vary slightly, most individuals experience minimal discomfort following LASIK. Here’s a general overview of the recovery process:

  • Initial Hours: You might experience mild light sensitivity, tearing, and a sensation of something in your eye. These are temporary side effects that typically subside within a few hours.
  • Rest and Recuperation: Following LASIK, prioritizing rest is crucial. Your ophthalmologist will likely recommend avoiding strenuous activities or rubbing your eyes for a specific timeframe.
  • Medication: Your doctor may prescribe medicated eye drops to promote healing and prevent infection. Diligent application of these drops is essential for optimal recovery.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Scheduled follow-up appointments with your ophthalmologist are vital to monitor progress and ensure proper healing. These appointments typically occur within 24-48 hours after surgery and continue at designated intervals.
  • Returning to Normal Activities: The timeframe for resuming normal activities varies depending on your individual healing process and your ophthalmologist’s recommendations. Generally, most people can return to work and light duties within 1-3 days after LASIK.
  • Long-Term Vision: While some patients experience immediate improvement in vision, for others, it may take a few days or even weeks for vision to stabilize and reach its full potential. LASIK results are typically long-lasting, but age-related vision changes can occur over time.

 How much does LASIK cost?

The cost of LASIK surgery can vary depending on several factors, including where you are geographically located. The overall experience of the surgeon can influence the overall cost as well as the type of laser technology used during the procedure.

 LASIK: A Gateway to Freedom from Glasses and Contacts

LASIK surgery empowers you to shed the limitations of glasses and contact lenses. By choosing a qualified ophthalmologist, diligently following pre- and post-operative instructions, and managing expectations, LASIK can pave the way for a life of clear, unencumbered vision. Schedule a consultation with a LASIK specialist today to explore if LASIK is the key to unlocking your visual freedom


LASIK Eye Surgery: Achieving Freedom from Glasses Without Breaking the Bank

LASIK eye surgery has become a revolutionary vision correction procedure, offering the gift of clear, sharp vision without the hassle of glasses or contacts. But let’s face it, cost can be a significant concern. At our LASIK center, we understand that, and we’re committed to making this life-changing procedure accessible to everyone.

LASIK Cost vs. Glasses (and/or Contact Lenses)

The cost of new glasses includes frames, lenses, and an eye exam, which can add up to hundreds of dollars. Vision insurance will cover some of that, but, most times, there are still out-of-pocket costs. That cycle repeats if your prescription — or fashion — changes. Broken glasses? Need a pair of prescription sunglasses? With most insurance plans, you’ll be paying for those on your own.

Depending on your prescription and type of lenses, contact lens wearers can pay roughly anywhere from $250 to $700 annually. In addition, be sure to factor in the cost of the solutions needed for contact lens. Over time, that adds up, too. And, for people who prefer to have both contacts and glasses, the costs are even greater as many insurance programs will not cover both.

Depending on how long you have been wearing glasses or contacts, LASIK might cost less than what you have already paid to improve your eyesight.

The Affordability of Modern LASIK

Gone are the days of LASIK being an out-of-reach luxury. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of how you can make LASIK a reality for your budget:

  • Financing Options Tailored to You: We offer a multitude of financing options to seamlessly integrate LASIK into your financial plan. Our team walks you through the process, securing financing with terms that fit your comfort level. Imagine spreading the cost over manageable monthly payments, often comparable to your utility bill.
  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Many employers offer these tax-advantaged accounts, allowing you to set aside pre-tax dollars for qualified medical expenses. LASIK often falls under this category, enabling you to leverage these funds and significantly reduce the upfront cost.
affording LASIK
  • Credit Card Rewards and Financing: Certain credit cards offer attractive rewards programs, allowing you to earn points or miles towards travel, merchandise, or even statement credits when used for LASIK surgery. Explore these options to potentially offset some of the cost while enjoying the benefits of modern LASIK.
  • Discount Opportunities: We regularly offer special promotions and discounts on LASIK procedures. Be sure to inquire about current offers to potentially save even more. Additionally, some vision insurance plans may provide partial coverage for LASIK. We can help you navigate these possibilities and maximize any available discounts.

Beyond Affordability: The Unmatched Value of LASIK

While cost is an important factor, it’s crucial to consider the long-term value proposition of LASIK. Here’s what you gain by investing in your vision:

  • Freedom from Daily Hassles: Imagine a life free from constantly searching for misplaced glasses or dealing with uncomfortable contacts. LASIK offers unparalleled convenience and peace of mind.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Clear vision can significantly boost your confidence in social and professional settings. LASIK empowers you to see the world clearly and confidently.
  • Cost Savings Over Time: Consider the ongoing expenses associated with glasses and contacts – replacement lenses, cleaning solutions, eye doctor appointments. LASIK eliminates these recurring costs, making it a cost-effective investment in the long run.

Scheduling Your Consultation: The First Step to Clear Vision

We understand the importance of a thorough consultation before embarking on LASIK. Our team of experienced professionals will address your questions, conduct a comprehensive eye exam, and determine if you’re a suitable candidate for LASIK. Additionally, we’ll provide a personalized cost breakdown based on your specific needs and chosen financing option.

Don’t let concerns about affordability prevent you from experiencing the life-changing benefits of LASIK. Contact our LASIK center today to schedule a consultation and explore the path towards clear vision and a brighter future.

The ability to see clearly without corrective lenses significantly enhances your daily life. From enjoying hobbies and sports to simply appreciating the beauty of the world around you, LASIK unlocks a whole new level of visual freedom.