Choosing the Best Sunglasses After LASIK Surgery

Keeping a pair of protective sunglasses on hand is always a good idea in general, and it's especially important while you recover after LASIK eye surgery.

sunglasses to protect eye after LASIK

Did you know that choosing the right pair of sunglasses can help keep you be more comfortable after LASIK eye surgery? While the initial healing period following LASIK is brief, it is normal to experience some sensitivity to light as your eyes adjust. Choosing the right sunglasses is a simple, safe way to mitigate those effects, and protect your eyes as they heal. Even long after your LASIK recovery is complete, there are many vision health benefits to keeping a high-quality pair of shades on hand whenever you plan to spend time in the sun.

We’ll cover the most important characteristics for sunglasses ahead, and the great thing is you won’t have to break the bank to find quality eye protection.

LASIK Recovery: Tips for Choosing the Right Sunglasses after Laser Eye Surgery

Your LASIK specialist will typically provide a pair of special sunglasses for you to wear during the first few days after surgery, but after that you’ll be free to choose your own sunglasses. Here’s what to look for:

  • Polarized Lenses – It’s normal to experience some glare during your LASIK recovery, and polarized lenses are designed to minimize glare. So you’ll definitely want a nice pair of polarized lenses after surgery. Polarized lenses don’t have to be expensive, and will have a sticker or label indicating that they are polarized.
  • Full Coverage – The special sunglasses that you get after surgery provide tremendous coverage, including for peripheral vision, but you don’t need big, bulky glasses to get the job done. Look for sunglasses with “wraparound” style lenses, which provide full coverage and often boast stylish design. Ideally, you want coverage for all angles of your vision.
LASIK sunglasses
  • The Benefits of Dark Lenses – For protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun, dark lenses tend to do a better job than their lighter counterparts. If you really prefer to wear light-colored lenses, try keeping one light pair and one dark pair on hand so you can adjust to varying conditions. Remember, however, that not all dark lenses are polarized, so you’ll want to look for dark lenses that offer all of the necessary protection.
  • Finding the Right Fit – Ideally, you’re going to be getting plenty of use out of these sunglasses, so it’s a good idea to pick a pair that’s comfortable to wear. The basic idea is that if your sunglasses are comfortable, you’re more likely to wear them when needed! Checking the comfort level of sunglasses will also give you an opportunity to see if they provide full coverage to all areas of your vision.
  • Suiting Your Style – When shopping for sunglasses, you definitely don’t have to trade style for performance, especially if you opt for a high-end brand. Just as with finding the right fit, choosing a style that you like makes you more likely to wear your sunglasses, as well. It’s not the most pressing concern, but you can certainly look great and protect your eyes at the same time.

Keeping a pair of protective sunglasses on hand is always a good idea in general, and it’s especially important while you recover from laser eye surgery. If you don’t want to splurge on high-end glasses, try your favorite grocery store, clothing outlet, or pharmacy. You can usually find a nice pair for a minimal investment, or even choose a few different pairs to suit various light and weather conditions.

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