What Makes a Successful LASIK Patient

Every year, thousands of people in the U.S. under go corrective laser surgery to improve their eyesight. 

Every year, thousands of people in the U.S. undergo corrective laser surgery to improve their eyesight. This procedure often eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses, but LASIK surgery isn’t for everyone. Before you decide to talk to your eye doctor about a custom LASIK procedure, it’s important that you know what qualities make up a strong LASIK candidate.

What is your vision issue?
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are three vision problems that can be treated with LASIK eye surgery. The first is nearsightedness, or myopia, which makes it difficult for people to see distant objects. Farsightedness, or hyperopia, causes nearby objects to appear blurry, and this condition can also be treated with laser surgery. Finally, LASIK can also treat astigmatism, which causes general blurriness. To determine if you are a good LASIK candidate, be sure to schedule an evaluation with your eye doctor or a LASIK specialist to have your vision assessed.

Has your vision changed recently?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that patients who have experienced alterations in their vision, known as refractive instability, in the past year are not usually eligible for LASIK surgery. There are certain factors that could contribute to refractive instability. People in their early 20s or younger often experience changes in eyesight, and certain medications or illnesses, such as diabetes, can cause refractive instability. Finally, pregnant or breastfeeding women should wait and consult their eye doctors after pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Do you know the risks?
Many patients find that the benefits of laser eye surgery far outweigh the minimal risks, but it’s still important that you are aware of all potential outcomes. Get all your questions answered! Be sure to discuss your expectations and any concerns with your eye doctor and/or LASIK surgeon.

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